A recent study in the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) detected chemicals in nicotine-free vaping liquids purchased in Australia. An interview with the author on the ABC and a podcast were alarmist, referring to ‘dangerously high’ levels and potential risks……
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Psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand have reaffirmed their support for vaping nicotine as an effective harm reduction tool for smokers. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists represents 7,400 psychiatrists and trainee psychiatrists in both countries. In……
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The world’s first guidelines to assist vapers who want to quit vaping have been released today by the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The guidelines are designed for health professionals to support both adults and youth from age 15……
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Some public health advocates seem more concerned about destroying tobacco companies than they are about improving public health. In an article in today's Saturday Telegraph, zealots have attacked the training of doctors in tobacco harm reduction which will save lives,……
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Young people should not vape or smoke. They should also be given accurate evidence-based information to help them make informed choices. The NSW Health ‘Do you know what you’re vaping?’ campaign is alarmist and provides many misleading and inaccurate messages……
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The Department of Health is seeking feedback on how to reduce smoking in the draft National Tobacco Strategy 2022-2030. This is an opportunity for vapers to be heard before the anti-vaping policy is locked in for the rest of the……
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In spite of what you may read in the media, vaping is now established to be a far safer alternative to smoking. This webinar I gave recently at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South……
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The ABC reported tonight the death of a Queensland man which was attributed to EVALI caused by vaping. Having carefully studied the case and the post mortem report, I disagree. It is much more likely that the man died from……
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The Australian Department of Health today released the draft National Tobacco Strategy, outlining the proposed tobacco policy for 2022-30. The Strategy takes a hostile view of vaping and tobacco harm reduction and aims to further restrict access for adult smokers.……
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An article in the Daily Telegraph today breathlessly reported on the ‘teen vaping crisis’ and the danger to our children. However, the article exaggerated the risks, included misinformation and only told one side of the story. There was no comment……
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