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  • New vape regulations start today - what you need to know

    VAPES ARE ONLY LEGALLY AVAILABLE from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription from today, under Mark Butler's prohibitionist Vaping Reforms Act. From 1 October 2024, a prescription will only be necessary for nicotine base concentrations over 20mg/mL. All vape shops are……
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  • Vaping Bill Passes: A Pyrrhic Victory for Mark Butler [Media release]

    Today, the Labor government’s amended *Vaping Reform Bill was successfully passed in the federal Senate. Starting from 1 October 2024, vapes will be available only through pharmacies as a pharmacist-only (Schedule 3) medicine, removing the need for a doctor’s prescription.……
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  • Butler's backflip. Still a disaster and bound to fail

    MARK BUTLER'S "WORLD-LEADING" Vaping Reform Bill is likely to pass the Senate with amendments, thanks to the support of the Greens. The Bill still requires a vote in the Senate to become law. The Bill has been marginally improved by……
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  • Michael Russell Award 2024. And the winner is...

    I AM PROUD TO ANNOUNCE that I received the Michael Russell Award for 2024. The Award honours someone who has made a substantial and innovative contribution to the science and understanding of safer nicotine products and tobacco harm reduction. The……
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  • Channel 7 Sydney "inaccurately portrayed me as a representative of Big Tobacco"

    THE CURRENT AFFAIRS PROGRAM 7NEWS Spotlight breached the Commercial TV Code of Practice by inaccurately portraying me as a representative of Big Tobacco. The breach occurred in relation to the episode titled Killers in the Mist which was broadcast by……
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  • Australia Must Follow New Zealand and Sweden to Reduce Smoking – New Report

    NEW ZEALAND AND SWEDEN have experienced unprecedented declines in smoking by enabling smokers to switch to lower-risk alternatives. Both countries are on-track to be 'smoke-free'* within the next two years. A similar approach in Australia could save thousands of lives.……
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  • Vaping by young adults - good news for public health

    ALARMIST MEDIA REPORTS raise concerns about the high vaping rate in young adults. However, it is highly likely that vaping is significantly reducing deadly smoking rates in this age group and may be beneficial overall to public health. The latest……
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  • Youth vaping - the facts

    THE AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION and public health organisations are engaged in a media blitz on youth vaping to pressure MPs to pass the Vaping Reform Bill and entrench the prescription model. However, much of the case against youth vaping is……
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  • The regulation of vaping in Australia has failed. What now?

    THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT has mandated that purchasing e-cigarettes requires a prescription from a general practitioner. This policy aims to regulate e-cigarettes through medical channels to ensure their safe and proper use. However, for e-cigarette companies, promoting their products through medical……
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  • New Zealand smoking success puts Australia to shame

    THE UNPRECEDENTED DECLINE IN SMOKING in New Zealand since vaping was legalised and regulated in 2020 was highlighted in a presentation at the E-Cig Summit in Washington last week. The presentation by New Zealand ASH Director Ben Youdan showed how Australia……
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