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  • New regulations for pharmacy vape sales are a resounding failure

    A NATIONWIDE SURVEY OF PHARMACIES has revealed that the new regulations intended to make low-nicotine vapes (≤20mg/mL nicotine) available without a prescription (as Schedule 3 medicines) have been largely ineffective. The survey of 305 pharmacies revealed that 99% of pharmacies……
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  • Prescription vapes are available from online pharmacies in Australia

    DESPITE SOME INITIAL CONFUSION and misleading messaging, adult Australian vapers can legally purchase nicotine e-liquids from online pharmacies. However, a prescription is needed. Clearing the confusion Both the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) initially……
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  • Navigating Australia's new pharmacy-only vaping rules - a guide for vapers

    FROM TOMORROW, 1 OCTOBER 2024, some vaping devices and low dose e-liquid (up to 20mg/mL nicotine) will be available in Australia without a prescription from brick-and-mortar pharmacies. Sale from online pharmacies is banned. This blog outlines the latest guidelines from the TGA ……
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  • Mark Butler’s flawed vaping legislation begins to unravel

    A SENATE COMMITTEE has issued a notice to disallow the Vaping Reforms Bill, formally known as the Therapeutic Goods Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Regulations 2024. The Minister has been asked to respond If Mark Butler's response to the Committee’s concerns……
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  • Why Tasmanian dentists need to brush up on vaping

    To the President, ADA Tasmania branch Dear Dr McCracken, I am writing this open letter to you about the recent ADA Tasmania media statement on vaping. The statement does not align with the latest empirical evidence on vaping and its……
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  • The AMA's dangerous misinformation campaign on vaping continues

    THE TASMANIAN BRANCH OF THE AMA (Australian Medical Association) issued a media release yesterday criticising an opinion piece by Senator Tammy Tyrrell on vaping. The AMA’s response reveals a striking level of ignorance and bias about vaping, perpetuating myths that……
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  • Another day, another alarmist and misleading gateway study

    ONCE AGAIN, AUSTRALIAN RESEARCHERS have jumped on the bandwagon, making alarmist claims that vaping causes young people to start smoking. But let’s be clear: this study proves no such thing. The researchers behind the Generation Vape study followed up 14-17-year-olds……
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  • Should you vape 6-methylnicotine?

    TO CIRCUMVENT AUSTRALIA'S HARSH RESTRICTIONS on nicotine, some people have been importing or purchasing vapes containing a nicotine-alternative, 6-methylnicotine. Is this still a good idea? What is 6-methylnicotine? 6-methylnicotine (6MT) is a chemical related to nicotine (brand names include Metatine……
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  • National Heart Foundation slams vaping with flawed evidence

    THE NATIONAL HEART FOUNDATION (NHF) has recently intensified its attack on vaping, claiming that “e-cigarettes and vaping are damaging to cardiovascular health” and that vaping serves as a gateway to smoking. However, it fails to provide evidence of harm caused……
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  • Victorian Parliamentary inquiry into vaping: a missed opportunity for public health

    THE REPORT FROM THE VICTORIAN PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into vaping was handed down today. It was a huge disappointment for vapers, and anyone committed to evidence-based policy.  Astonishingly, the report concludes that vaping is no safer than smoking (Demaio, p27) ignoring……
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