MY INTERVIEW TODAY on Triple M radio Newcastle aims to correct some of the common myths about vaping. Vaping is much safer than smoking and is reducing smoking rates in young people. Tanya: Dr. Colin Mendelsohn is a GP and……
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EMERITUS PROFESSOR SIMON CHAPMAN does not support nicotine vaping and outlined ten issues he calls Vaping Myths to argue his case (Medical Republic 11 August 2022). This detailed analysis looks at the evidence behind his claims and finds that many……
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THE SERIOUS LUNG CONDITION known as EVALI is not caused by vaping nicotine as falsely claimed by vaping opponents, according to a new study published today in Drug and Alcohol Review. EVALI (E-cigarette, or Vaping, product use-Associated Lung Injury) causes……
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I HAVE TODAY launched ‘Dr Col’s Vape Truths’, an evidenced-based video campaign on nicotine vaping, designed to combat the rampant misinformation being provided by state health departments, particularly Queensland Health. New South Wales and Western Australia are also running a……
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A RECENT OPINION PIECE in The Examiner newspaper by two Tasmanian vaping opponents Dr Sukhwinder Sohal and Dr Kathryn Barnsley has sunk to a new level of misinformation and scaremongering. The Examiner has not responded to my request to correct……
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THE REVIEW OF VAPING by Banks and colleagues commissioned by the Australian Department of Health is flawed and misleading according to an analysis by four leading Australian academics, published today in Drug and Alcohol Review. The review from the Australian……
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THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN for NSW Users and AIDS Association (NUAA) User News. It provides simple advice for smokers who want to start legally vaping legally but don't know how. [Also available at NUAA User News July 2022] Dr Colin……
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A NEW STUDY published in the Medical Journal of Australia has found Indigenous people in the Northern Territory have a life expectancy 15 years less than the general population, with the gap unlikely to be eliminated for a further 60……
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BELGIAN’S SUPERIOR HEALTH COUNCIL has delivered a comprehensive report in favour of vaping which is in stark contrast to the advice of Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council. It supports vaping as a safer alternative to smoking or as……
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A ROBUST STUDY of the vapour from a leading commercial nicotine vaping product has provided very reassuring safety data. The analysis of the Relx podvape found that 40 of the most harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke are undetectable or are……
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