THE NATIONAL HEART FOUNDATION (NHF) has recently intensified its attack on vaping, claiming that “e-cigarettes and vaping are damaging to cardiovascular health” and that vaping serves as a gateway to smoking. However, it fails to provide evidence of harm caused……
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THE REPORT FROM THE VICTORIAN PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into vaping was handed down today. It was a huge disappointment for vapers, and anyone committed to evidence-based policy. Astonishingly, the report concludes that vaping is no safer than smoking (Demaio, p27) ignoring……
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IF YOU ARE LOOKING for comprehensive, easy-to-read and fully referenced information on vaping, please visit the FAQs page on my website. This page is constantly updated with the latest evidence-based information as it is published. Most of the information applies……
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THANK YOU TO ALTERNATIVE MAGAZINE for publishing this interview with me. It covers some of my work and my views on tobacco harm reduction. You can download the pdf of this interview here. First and foremost, we’d like to say……
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WHILE VAPING MAY POSE A RISK of cardiovascular harm, such as heart attacks or strokes, there is currently no definitive evidence to confirm this. Long-term epidemiological studies are needed to provide more conclusive answers. However, the potential harm is likely……
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LAST WEEK, THE NSW PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY into vaping regulation released its long-awaited report. The result was predictable and disappointing and has failed the people of NSW. From the outset, the report adopts an alarmist tone, boldly claiming that “Vaping is……
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AN ANALYSIS OF AUSTRALIAN NEWS STORIES has exposed the media’s role in creating a moral panic about youth vaping. The resulting outrage and distorted public opinion leads to knee-jerk, heavy-handed responses by regulators, without considering the unintended consequences or alternative……
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FROM 1 OCTOBER 2024, vapes and e-liquids (with or without nicotine) will be classified as Schedule 3 medicines and will be legally available without a prescription only from pharmacies. In a real-world episode of the comedy series Utopia, Mark Butler's……
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AUSTRALIA NEEDS A REGULATED RETAIL MARKET for vapes like New Zealand. Prohibition never works and criminals adapt to increased enforcement and simply find ways around it. This was the view of Rohan Pike, who founded the Australian Border Force's Tobacco……
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CRIMINOLOGIST DR JAMES MARTIN has told the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into vaping that Mark Butler’s plan to step up enforcement and bans on the illicit vape markets is certain to fail, describing it as “a band-aid on an otherwise serious……
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