Aussie vapers speak out about the ban

Posted on November 27, 2023 By Colin

AUSSIE VAPERS ARE ANGRY, ANXIOUS AND FEARFUL about Mark Butler’s proposed vaping crackdown. Many are genuinely terrified of returning to smoking and very few are willing to comply with the new laws.

Vapers feel that Mark Butler is not listening. He hears one side of the story from his advisers and is ignoring their needs and concerns.

In their own words

Here are their concerns about the prescription model, based on hundreds of messages I have received over the last few weeks.

Finding a doctor

Finding a doctor who supports vaping and obtaining a nicotine prescription can be a major hurdle.

Costs are prohibitive

The prescription pathway involves medical fees and pharmacy markups and is unaffordable for many low-income and disadvantaged people.

Personal preferences threatened

Successful vaping often involves experimentation to find the right setup that works for you. Starting all over again can be a major challenge.

Flavours are critical

Flavours play a major role in keeping vapers away from cigarettes but only tobacco and mint will be available. This  is a deal-breaker for many vapers.

Government interference

Vapers are angry and frustrated about government interference in their personal choices.

How vapers plan to respond

Aussie vapers are preparing for the ban in various ways.

The black market alternative

Most plan to continue purchasing supplies on the black market in spite of the risks involved. If history is any guide, the black market will simply go underground and illegal, unregulated supplies will remain widely available.

Massive stockpiling

Many vapers have been stocking up with supplies to last for years.

Return to smoking

Some vapers have said it’s all just too hard and have already gone back to smoking. Others intend to smoke again when the laws change. 

Make sure your voice is heard

Evidence-based policy should balance the needs of both adult vapers and youth.

Ignoring the legitimate concerns of adult vapers will increase smoking rates, supports the black market, criminalises vapers and perpetuates access to young people.

Contact your local federal MP and state Senators today and voice your concerns about the proposed ban.

Join and follow ASACA, the Australian Smokefree Alternatives Consumer Association

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