Selected articles by Dr Mendelsohn

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Publications on Researchgate

Click the hyperlinks below to view or download the articles:

  1. Mendelsohn CP, Glover M. Comment on: Waa A.E-cigarette policies in Aotearoa (New Zealand): An Indigenous perspective. Addiction 2024, DOI: 10.1111/add.16573. PubPeer, August 2024
  2. Mendelsohn CP. Australia and New Zealand: A Natural Experiment in Vaping Policy. Filter. 24 June 2024
  3. Glover M, Mendelsohn CP, Human D, Fagerstrom K, Milton A, Raza SA, Kentra G et al. A. SmokeFree New Zealand. Quitting Strong – New Zealand’s Smoking Cessation Success Story. 12 June 2024
  4. Mendelsohn CP. Australia’s Vape Prohibition Replicates Drug-War Disasters. Filter. 13 February 2024
  5. Mendelsohn CP. The Slow-Moving Train Wreck of Australian Vaping Policy. Filter. 14 December 2023
  6. Mendelsohn CP. Comment on: Jongenelis M, Thoonen K. Factors associated with susceptibility to e-cigarette use among Australian adolescents. IJDP 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2023.104249. PubPeer, Nov 2023
  7. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A, Hall W, Borland R. Evidence review of nicotine vaping. Recommendations for regulation in Australia. 23 October 2023
  8. Mendelsohn CP. Fresh approach: A pragmatic 7-point plan to address vaping in schools. EducationHQ 22 August 2023
  9. Mendelsohn CP. It’s time to change the way we look at youth vaping. Filter, 14 July 2023
  10. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W. What are the harms of vaping in young people who have never smoked? International Journal of Drug Policy 2023.
  11. Mendelsohn CP. Comment on: Banks E et al. Electronic cigarettes and health outcomes: umbrella and systematic review of the global evidence. Med J Aust 2023. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51890. PubPeer April 2023
  12. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A, Hall W. Response to commentaries on proposed regulation of nicotine vaping. Drug and Alcohol Review 2023, DOI: 10.1111/dar.13667
  13. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A, Hall W. How should nicotine vaping be regulated in Australia? Drug and Alcohol Review. April 2023. DOI: 10.1111/dar.13663
  14. Mendelsohn CP. Scientists’ latest bid to fight back against deadly misinformation. Filter, 22 February 2023
  15. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W, Borland R, Wodak A, Beaglehole R, Benowitz NL, Britton J, Bullen C, Etter J-F, McNeill A, and Rigotti NA. A critique of the Australian NHMRC CEO Statement on electronic cigarettes Addiction  2023. DOI: 10.1111/add.16143
  16. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W. Letter to the Editor regarding ’Smoke and mirrors: Support from psychiatrists for nicotine e-cigarette availability in Australia’. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2022 DOI: 10.1177/00048674221146471
  17. Mendelsohn CP, Beaumont C. What doctors should consider before prescribing e-liquids for e-cigarettes. Medical Journal of Australia 2022 doi: 10.5694/mja2.51764
  18. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A, Hall W. Nicotine vaping was not the cause of EVALI in the US.  Drug and Alcohol Review 2022. DOI:10.1111/dar.13533
  19. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A, Hall W, Borland R. A critical analysis of ‘Ecigs and health outcomes – systematic review of global evidence’. Drug and Alcohol Review 2022
  20. Mendelsohn CP, Beaumont C. An update on vaping and nicotine prescribing. Australian Journal of General Practice. 2022
  21. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak AD. Which regulatory framework is best for nicotine vaping? Invited editorial. American Journal of Public Health 2022. DOI: 
  22. Mendelsohn CP. Vaping nicotine should be part of Australia’s tobacco control policy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2022. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.13237
  23. Bridget Howard; Hayden McRobbie; Dennis Petrie; Daniel Barker; Colin Mendelsohn; Jack Anderson; Ron Borland; Felix Naughton; Piotr Tutka; Nick Zwar; Anthony Shakeshaft; Coral Gartner; Robyn Richmond; Wayne Hall; Richard Mattick; Michael Farrell; Ryan James Courtney. Effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of vaporised nicotine products versus nicotine replacement therapy for tobacco smoking cessation in a low socioeconomic status Australian population: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022.
  24. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak AD. Chemical analysis of fresh and aged Australian e-cigarette liquids. Medical Journal of Australia, May 2022. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51480
  25. Mendelsohn CP. Australia Tightens the Screws Further on Nicotine Vaping. Filter magazine. 8 March 2022
  26. Mendelsohn CP. Optimal use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy. Invited article. Australian Prescriber. 2022;45:10-14.
    Listen to the podcast here
  27. Mendelsohn CP, Morjaria JB, Polosa R. Respiratory harms from vaping: Questions for debate and discussion. Respirology 2022; 27(1):93-95.
  28. Mendelsohn CP. Why Dr Colin Mendelsohn is happy to defy the medical establishment on vapes. Australian Doctor. 14 December 2021
  29. Mendelsohn CP. A guide to vaping and nicotine prescribing. Therapy Update. Australian Doctor 1 October 2021
  30. Courtney RJ, McRobbie H, Tutka P, Weaver NA, Petrie D, Mendelsohn CP, Shakeshaft A, Talukder S, Macdonald C, Thomas D, Kwan BCH, Walker N, Gartner C, Mattick RP, Paul C, Ferguson SG, Zwar NA, Richmond RL, Doran CM, Boland VC, Hall W, West R, Farrell M. Effect of Cytisine vs Varenicline on Smoking Cessation. A Randomised Clinical Trial. JAMA 2021;326(1):56-64. doi: 10.1001.jama.2021.7621
  31. Mendelsohn CP. The role of vaping nicotine in psychiatry practice. Invited editorial. Australasian Psychiatry. 2021 (3 Feb): 29(1);5-6
  32. Mendelsohn CP. Smoke clouding the judgement of health bureaucrats. The Spectator, 21 July 2020
  33. Wodak A, Mendelsohn CP. The Australian approach to tobacco harm reduction is even more misguided than the US approach. Editorial. American Journal of Public Health. 2020; 110(6): 783-784; e1. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305675
  34. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W. Vaping nicotine is far less harmful than smoking tobacco. Chest 2020;158(2):835-836. DOI:
  35. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W, Borland R. Response to Chapman and Daube. Drug and Alcohol Review 2020 DOI: 10.1111/dar.13066
  36. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W. Does the gateway theory justify a ban on nicotine vaping in Australia? International Journal of Drug Policy 2020
  37. Mendelsohn CP, Hall W, Borland R. Could vaping help lower smoking rates in Australia? Drug and Alcohol Review 2020 DOI: 10.1111/dar.13039
  38. Zwar N, Richmond R, Borland R, Peters M, Mendelsohn CP, Litt J, Dean E, Coleman M, Sharples K, Walsberger S, Masri G, Power J. Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals. Second edition. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. January 2020
  39. Mendelsohn CP. How opponents of vaping aid and abet Big Tobacco. The Spectator Australia. 22 January 2020
  40. Mendelsohn CP. Why Australia’s vaping ban is poor public health policy. John Menadue – Pearls and Irritations. November 2019
  41. Mendelsohn CP. Should psychiatrists support the availability of nicotine e-cigarettes in Australia? Australasian Psychiatry 2019; 27(6) 657–658 DOI: 10.1177/1039856219878642 
  42. Mendelsohn CP. Prohibition and Misinformation: Australia’s Tobacco Harm Reduction Fail. Filter Magazine. June 2019
  43. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak AM. Legalising Vaping in Australia. The McKell Institute, 2019
  44. Thomas D, Farrell M, McRobbie H, Tutka P, Petrie D, West R, Siahpush M, Gartner C, Walker N, Mendelsohn CP, Hall W, Paul C, Zwar N, Ferguson SG, Boland VC, Richmond R, Doran C, Shakeshaft A, Mattick R, Courtney RJ. The effectiveness, safety and cost‐effectiveness of cytisine versus varenicline for smoking cessation in an Australian population: A study protocol for a randomised controlled non‐inferiority trial. Addiction 27 December 2018;
  45. Mendelsohn CP. Australia and the ban on nicotine. In: No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018 (page 86). London: Knowledge-Action-Change. 2018
  46. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak AM. Vaping. Ten Frequently Asked Questions. Respiratory MedicineToday, 2018 3(1);34-36
  47. Mendelsohn CP. Regulating e-cigarettes in Australia: implications for tobacco use among young people. Letter to the  Editor. Medical Journal of Australia 2018, 21 May 2018. Doi 10.5694/mja17.01232
  48. Mendelsohn CP. Tobacco control: time for a new approach. MJA Insight, 21 May 2018
  49. Mendelsohn CP. Electronic cigarettes in physician practice. Internal Medicine Journal 2018;.48;391-396
  50. Mendelsohn CP. Fears about adolescent vaping overstated. MJA Insight, Issue 2, 22 Jan 2018
  51. Caruso M, Mendelsohn CP, Polosa R. Pulmonary toxicity of electronic cigarettes: more doubts than certainties. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. Letter to the Editor. 2017 Nov 1;313(5):L964-L965. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00402.2017. PubMed PMID: 29109109
  52. Mendelsohn  CP. Use of nicotine replacement therapy in young people entering custody in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/jpc.13611
  53. Mendelsohn CP. The lowdown on e-cigarettes. Australian Doctor, How To Treat. 21 April 2017
  54. Sharma R, Gartner CE, Castle DJ, Mendelsohn CP. Should we encourage smokers with severe mental illness to switch to vaping? Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2017
  55. Mendelsohn CP. Electronic cigarettes. A guide for discussion with patients. Respiratory MedicineToday 2016;1(1);40-44
  56. Mendelsohn CP. How are tobacco smokers using e-cigarettes? Patterns of use, reasons for use and places of purchase in New South Wales. (Letter) Medical Journal of Australia 2016;205(7):335-336. DOI 10.5694/mja16.00616.
  57. Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A. Smoking cessation in people with alcohol and other drug problems. Australian Family Physician 2016;45(8);569-573
  58. Mendelsohn CP. The evidence supports prequit use of nicotine patches. British Medical Journal 2016;353;i2176 doi: 10.1136/bmj.i2176
  59. Mendelsohn CP. Are electronic cigarettes a gateway to adolescent smoking? Medical Observer April 2016
  60. Mendelsohn CP. Is the AMA statement on e-cigarettes consistent with the evidence. Australian Medicine, April 2016;20-21. Also available at
  61. Mendelsohn CP. Electronic cigarettes, What can we learn from the UK experience? Medical Journal of Australia 2016: 204(1);14-15 doi: 10.5694/mja15.00725
  62. Mendelsohn CP, Gartner C. Electronic cigarettes. What should you tell your patients? MedicineToday 2015; 16(10): 26-32
  63. Mendelsohn CP. Helping smokers with mental illness. Australian Doctor, How to Treat. October 2015
  64. Mendelsohn CP, Camp PV. Eight challenges faced by general practitioners caring for patients after an acute coronary syndrome. Letter. Medical Journal of Australia 2015 doi: 10.5694/mja15.00242
  65. Mendelsohn CP. New antiplatelet drugs for acute coronary syndromes. Letter. Australian Prescriber 2015;38:111-4
  66. Mendelsohn CP.  Managing nicotine dependence in NSW Hospitals under the Smoke-free Health Care Policy. Public Health Research & Practice 2015. doi: 10.17061/phrp2531533
  67. Mendelsohn CP. Three decades of high-dose nicotine gum dependence treated with nicotine patches. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2015. doi:10.1093/ntr/ntv124
  68. Mendelsohn CP. Smoking and preoperative assessment. Letter. Australian Prescriber 2015;(38),40
  69. Mendelsohn CP, Kirby DP, Castle DJ. Smoking and mental illness. An update for psychiatrists. Australasian Psychiatry 2015
  70. Mendelsohn CP. Nicotine Confesses. ‘Its not you. Its me’. Book review. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 2014
  71. Mendelsohn CP. Interaction between clopidogrel and smoking (letter). Australian Family Physician 2014;43(8):503
  72. Bittoun R, Barone M, Mendelsohn CP, Elcombe EL, Glozier N. Promoting positive attitudes of tobacco-dependent mental health patients towards NRT-supported harm reduction and smoking cessation. Aust N Z J Psychiatry June 6 2014
  73. Zwar NA, Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. Tobacco smoking: options for helping smokers to quit. Australian Family  Physician 2014;43(6):348-354
  74. Mendelsohn CP, Gould GS. Unadjusted conversion ratio underestimates nicotine dose. Rapid response letter about ‘Nicotine patches in pregnant smokers: randomised, placebo controlled, multicentre trial of efficacy’. British Medical Journal. 7 May 2014.
  75. Mendelsohn CP, Gould G, Oncken C. Management of smoking in pregnant women. Australian Family Physician 2014:43(1-2);46-5
  76. Mendelsohn C. Smoking cessation. Medical Observer, Update. 28 February 2014
  77. Zwar N, Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. Supporting smoking cessation. A Clinical Review. British Medical Journal 2014;348:f7535
  78. Mendelsohn CP. Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease. Cardiology Today 2013;3(4),23-25
  79. Mendelsohn CP. The smoking paradox. Why is Australia’s biggest killer being neglected? Australian Medicine 2013
  80. Mendelsohn CP, Montebello M. Smokers with mental illness: breaking down the myths. MedicineToday 2013; 14(8) 53-57
    Also published in Modern Medicine South Africa and Modern Medicine Middle East
  81. Mendelsohn CP. Nicotine Dependence. Australian Doctor, How to Treat. June 2013
  82. Mendelsohn CP, Gould GS. Changes in smoking intensity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, 1994–2008. Medical Journal of Australia 2013;198(9),479
  83. Mendelsohn C. Optimising nicotine replacement therapy in clinical practice. Australian Family Physician 2013;42(5),305-309
  84. Mendelsohn CP. Smoking and depression. A review. Australian Family Physician 2012;41(5), 304-307
  85. Mendelsohn CP.  Misleading message from smoking study. Rapid response letter about ‘Effect of offering different levels of support and free nicotine replacement therapy via an English national telephone quitline: randomised controlled trial’. British Medical Journal, 28 March 2012.
  86. Mendelsohn CP. Nicotine dependence. Why is it so hard to quit? MedicineToday 2011;12(10):35-39
  87. Mendelsohn CP. Smoking Women. A review of the evidence. Australian Family Physician 2011;40(6):403-407
  88. Mendelsohn CP. How to help your smoking patients quit. Cardiology in General Practice. March 2011:12-13
  89. Mendelsohn CP. Teenage smoking. How can the GP help? MedicineToday Nov 2010;11(11):30-38
    Also published in Modern Medicine of South Africa, March 2012:27-31
  90. Bittoun R, Fagerstrom K-O, Baker J, Mendelsohn CP. Advocating for the Nicotine-Addicted Patient: Duty of Care and Negligence. Journal of Smoking Cessation 2010; 5(1), iii–iv. DOI 10.1375/jsc.5.1.iii
  91. Mendelsohn CP. Recent developments in smoking cessation. MedicineToday 2008;9 (12):38-45.
  92. Zwar N, Bell J, Peters M, Christie M, Mendelsohn C. Nicotine and nicotine replacement therapy – the facts. Australian Pharmacist, December 2006; 25; number 12: 969-973.
  93. Buck DJ, Richmond RL, Mendelsohn CP. Cost effectiveness analysis of a family physician delivered smoking cessation program. Preventive Medicine 2000; 31: 641-648
  94. Richmond RL, G-Novak K, Kehoe L, Calfas G, Mendelsohn CP, Wodak A. Effect of training on general practitioners’ use of a brief intervention for excessive drinkers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1998; 22: 206-209
  95. Richmond RL, Mendelsohn CP, Kehoe L. Family physicians’ utilisation of a brief smoking cessation program following reinforcement contact after training: a randomised trial. Preventve Medicine 1997; 27: 77-83
  96. Richmond RL, Mendelsohn CP. Physicians’ views of programs incorporating stages of change to reduce smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. American Journal of Health Promotion 1998; 12: 254-257
  97. Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. L’exemple Australien: Smokescreen for the 1990s. In: Martinet Y, Bohadana A. (Editors) Le Tabagisme. De la prévention au sevrage. 1997, Masson, Paris, 213-215
  98. Mendelsohn CP. Weight gain after smoking cessation: practical advice for patients. Modern Medicine 1996; 39 (11): 67-71
    Also published in Modern Medicine of South Africa Jan 1999.
  99. Richmond RL, de Almeido Neto A, Harris K, Mendelsohn CP. Controlled trial of the 24-hour transdermal nicotine patch in conjunction with cognitive-behavioural therapy: 6 months results. Tobacco and Health. 1995: Plenum, 817-820
  100. Richmond RL, Mendelsohn CP. Interventions for smokers in general practice: translating theory into practice. In: Slama K (ed): Tobacco and Health. 1995: Plenum, 477-480
  101. Mendelsohn CP. Nicotine replacement therapy: latest guidelines for GPs. Modern Medicine 1995; 38: 107-113
  102. Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. Smokescreen for the 1990s. A new approach to smoking cessation. Australian Family Physician 1994; 23 (5): 841-848
  103. Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. The nicotine patch: guidelines for practical use. Modern Medicine 1994; 37 (3): 105-112
  104. Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. The pros and cons of transdermal nicotine therapy. Medical Journal of Australia 1994; 160: 803
  105. Mendelsohn CP, Richmond RL. GPs can help patients to stop smoking. Medical Journal of Australia 1992; 157:463-467
  106. Mendelsohn CP. Which anti-smoking programme? Medical Journal of Australia 1990; 153: 501
  107. Mendelsohn CP. of “Smokescreen” smoking-cessation programme. Medical Journal of Australia 1989; 151: 486

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